Do not be fooled, this is the connective tissue massage.

Do not be fooled, this is the connective tissue massage.


The connective reflexogenic massage comes from the intuition of the therapist Elisabeth Dicke born in Lennep on 03/12/1884. This massage to the connective tissue developed and created by the physiotherapist, (1884-1952) which, having suffered from oral toxemia, caused an obliterating lesion on the leg, it began to be treated with small strokes distally.
In a space of three months it recovers the functionality of the zone, the one that the doctors wished to amputate.
So after a year he returned to carry out his activities developing more research. Based on the information of the doctors; Head and Mackenzie about dermatomas.
From the technical point of view, this massage of the reflex zones in the connective tissue consists of a drag or stretch of the subdermis, which in organic alterations shows adhesions in certain areas. All this is evaluated in the corresponding tests.
The areas of the connective tissue also have a neural relationship that reflects each other, so the massage to the connective tissue not only acts from a location determined by the tissue but also influences other areas.
The concept of this technique considers, in that the reflex nervous alterations always accompany the tissues of the locomotor apparatus as a whole. This massage has a very diverse application, that is why each therapist, knowing it, will be able to develop all the potential it offers.
The stroke that is made on the surface of the skin results in a change of information, at the nervous system level since the hand that can plasticize and mold, will be responsible for finding the tensions and modify them.
The strokes that we make with a certain pressure are carried out as a subdermal drag, from the therapist's fingers, always respecting the demands and demands of that body that we are dealing with. This will avoid erroneous or incorrect manipulations. At first, the hands feel stiffened and therefore the fingers, is applied by the therapist more pressure in the stroke on the surface of the tissue to which the superficial tissues nails inward, another thing that can happen at the beginning is the a hematoma that is produced by a bad execution. We know that this is a damage in the capillaries that will be impeded from any elimination, this small injury should be treated immediately so that no scar is formed. The extension stimulus is carried out by the middle part of the fingers supported mainly by the middle finger, producing a stroke movement made with the end of the phalangeta; The therapist touches the patient's skin with his palmar or radial area to obtain information about possible muscular or tissue dysfunctions. It is never palpated or touched enough, the tension increases are produced by the movements of the deepest tissues ie, cutaneous and subcutaneous, the body of the fascias, the tension can be increased in the interstitial tissues, applying the techniques of the stroke long or short along the aponeurotic edges.
This stress stimulus is produced by a certain grip that the fingers suffer on the skin of the patient. The next thing the therapist has to do is carry the weak surface structure of the tissue and move it in the direction of the movement.
üThe movement performed by our efferent hand of the therapist who will touch the patient will be carried out guiding the wrist so that the fingers take an angle of 45º, depending if you want to execute or make a deeper or more superficial stroke. The sensation that the patient receives can be massified depending to a great extent on the friction or stroke.
üThe adhesions that form in the drag with the tips of the fingers can be maintained if the hand is placed on the radial or palmar surface, it will also have to see the surface that we are treating.
For the beginner, it is very helpful to follow the sequence of the movement, to touch firmly, to take the weak part, to push, to press the part in which there are adhesions by means of the technique, this will diminish the possibility of increasing the tension in the tissue, a free tissue will be presented to us with palpation with a movement of loose strings, without resistance, this maneuver is performed with the fingers, these should never be forced through the tissue.
If the resistance found is quite large, it will be advisable to perform the movement of Pinzado Rodado, raising or slightly elevating the infiltrated area, so that it is free, elastic, with mobility. The movement performed by that efferent hand of the therapist who will touch the patient will be carried out guiding the doll The movement performed by that efferent hand of the therapist who will touch the patient will be carried out guiding the wrist so that the fingers take an angle of 45º, depending if you want to execute or make a deeper or more superficial stroke. The sensation that the patient receives can be massified depending to a great extent on the friction or stroke.
The adhesions that are formed in the drag with the fingertips can be maintained if the hand is located on the radial or palmar surface, it will also have to see the surface that we are dealing with.
1. The therapist must form a whole with the segment to be treated. It should be felt as the continuation of the patient, to achieve this premise is essential that both the therapist and the patient are as close, at the appropriate height and in the position or approach for the therapist to perform a fluid therapy, without bodily demands and can thus maintain a body economy
In addition to this there are other more specific premises.
2. The therapist must develop several special senses such as spatial. Know how to take advantage of kinetic forces; The loss of balance in the therapist denotes an inadequate or deficient technique, this is transmitted to the patient by means of the hand.
3. The neurosedación of the patient is a fundamental base to carry out a technique successfully. To achieve this, the patient must be reassured not by distracting them and by avoiding the fears that they may feel, for this reason we must always keep them informed of the process and development.
4. You should not try to mobilize a tense patient, it is preferable to use dialogue, know that you are concerned.
5. The crafts on the fabric also mobilize emotions we all have rhythms, vibrations, for this we must respect them and not be invasive.
6. Any stroke or friction that implies excessive pain and therefore tension, defense and flight attitude should automatically cease
7. The therapist must have another special sense, palpation. The exercise of it leads or must lead to know how to recognize the tissues that are palpated, to see with the hands. At first we will find a lot of information and signs that will be presented as organic dysfunctions. We must be measured and objective, learning to distinguish, learning to feel what is normal or pathological.
8. The sense of tissue tension. It refers above all to the appreciation of the amount of tension that exists in the tissues, it is a dynamic sensation that develops with the practice and that gets to make evident the most subtle stop or joint block.
9. The sense or touch, help calculate the energy to be applied for each type of blockage is an interesting aspect that avoids ultimately exceeding the appropriate limits in the final impulse, this touch informs us of the right time for the impulse and coordination of precise movements.
10. The therapist must maintain the maximum and continuous attention in the development of his art visualizing in his mind the dynamic anatomy that he has between his fingers.
11. You must always use the energy necessary for the impulse, without this signifying exaggerated softness. We talk about precise forces on the relaxed patient, enough to achieve the desired objective.
12. The frequency with which the massage is performed will depend on economic factors, distance, etc. The usual is of the order of one every three days and attending to the corrective march of the process.
In those patients with pain in all movements it will be advisable to use complementary therapies such as heat and hydromassage.
Then start the therapy taking off the adhesions and fibrosis, normalizing the tissues and their organic functionality. This causes the patient to find pleasure when he feels freed from pain.
13. When it comes to dealing with the patient, it is very important to listen to him when he comes to our office or in search of our therapy
14. We learn from our patients.
"Know-how, feeling their demands and demands."
Many of our patients with a psychic burden added to the process or with an important dystonic picture relieves both the attentive and pleasant treatment of the therapist and the technique applied to them.
• Within the usual practice of massage we must keep in mind that we will be guided by technical indications which often indicate a relative or absolute precaution or contraindication, and a favorable indication.
• It is for this reason that the massage professional must have a good training in anatomy and physiology, in order to discern the ability to apply massage techniques and crafts or refrain from doing it.
• The use of massage will be a coadjuvant and beneficial especially in the functional and organic recovery of the person treated, since it will help to eliminate toxic substances and drain waste products, improving circulation and nervous response, this produced by situations or states of inflammation, contractures or muscle spasm, this is why massage will play a very important role by returning the treated area to its natural state since it will improve blood circulation, another indirect effect of massage will be the stimulation of the vegetative nervous system through your responses from your internal organs, all these nervous system responses will lead to a better functional recovery of the soft tissue structures or the treated area. More specific processes such as certain injuries, massage should be applied to alleviate the symptoms that accompany the disease.
• Malignant tumor.
• Severe inflammatory processes.
• Open fractures.
• Open wounds.
• Febrile states.
• Severe heart failure
• Angina of chest.
• State of weightlessness or pregnancy.
• Consolidated fractures.
• Hypertension.
üMuscle dysfunctional system of the locomotor system.üMuscle overload.üArthrosis.üArthritis.üContractures.üSpasms.üStress.üConstipationüFibromyalgia and fibrosis.üHemiplegia.üCirculatory disorders.üParalysis
- To perform this technique, the patient will be in a sitting position.
- The therapist's location will be sitting on a low bench behind the patient.
- Position of the fingers, it is essentially important to touch the surface.
1. The development of the maneuver test of the fascias will be from the lower edge to the shoulder area, there will be areas where it is difficult to produce movement, for example in the area on the right, where the liver and gallbladder are lodged, on the left side where the heart and stomach are lodged, in the scapular areas where there is no mobility due to circulatory disorders of the arms.
2. To test the small areas of deeper tissues, the use of the fingers will be slightly flexed on the body, the fingertips with a gentle pressure.
The view presented by the patient in sitting, the shape of the gluteus, will indicate the trend. If you have the gluteus quadratus or V, the latter will inform us of circulatory disorders.
1. The development of the maneuver test of the fascias will be from the lower edge to the shoulder area, there will be areas where it is difficult to produce movement, for example in the area on the right, where the liver and gallbladder are lodged, on the left side where the heart and stomach are lodged, in the scapular areas where there is no mobility due to circulatory disorders of the arms.
2. To test the small areas of deeper tissues, the use of the fingers will be slightly flexed on the body, the fingertips with a gentle pressure.
The view presented by the patient in sitting, the shape of the gluteus, will indicate the trend. If you have the gluteus quadratus or V, the latter will inform us of circulatory disorders.
1. Bladder area.
The area of ​​the half crown dragged into the anal cleft, patients will report that they suffer from cold feet, will often complain that their legs are cold to the knees.
2. Constipation
A band of tissue from 2 to 3 CMS will be seen from the middle third of the sacrum downwards and laterally, this will indicate a tendency to constipation.
3. Liver and gallbladder
There is a large area dragged from the right side with a special band or fascia along the lateral part of the upper costal margin.
It may be the case to find a smaller area that passes from the lower part of the vertebral edges of the scapula towards the vertebral bodies D5 to D6 on D7 often.
4. Heart
The tension of the area increases the left thoracic region, the right costal margin is affected by the involvement of the hepatic region. The area between the left scapula, vertebral bodies at levels D2 and D3 and under the armpit, are dragged. The wall of the armpit appears thicker, these changes are present in general problems of heart and valves.
5. Stomach.
Typical tension area can be observed from the lateral part of the left scapular spine, this area is invariably present in almost all cases of gastritis, ulcerative gastritis.
6. Arterial problem in legs.
The changes that we can notice in the structure of the gluteal region, we will observe them when our patient is seated, from square to V.
These are always present in circulatory alterations, which accompany the angiospasms. The figure of the buttocks is a good guide to see the severity of the condition.
7. Dysfunctions in the veins and lymphatic vessels
A band or dragged fascia can be observed from the middle third of the sacrum, parallel to the iliac crests, laterally and towards the gluteus medius. Patients report that their legs swell easily, in summer or when they are in a room with high temperatures, they will suffer from cramps in the twins, varicose veins, especially in the feet or outer edge of the twins tired legs.
If the tendencies are present in both legs, the zones are present in both sides, the severity with which we can meet can be unilateral
8. Zone of the Head.
The characteristics or tendencies we will see reflected from the sacral base and between the scapulae this area seems to be present in all the pains or pains of the area of ​​the head, regardless of the cause.
It can be in chronic headaches, without apparent cause, rheumatism, migraine, arteriosclerosis, among others, often after consequences of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine and disc lesion.
9 Arm area.
This area is reflected on the scapula extending over the back of the deltoid.
The way to use the fingers will be between the thumb and the other fingers, curling the tissue. This maneuver will be executed from the lower edge of T12 to the scapular edge, it will be executed first on the right side and then on the other. At the moment that this displacement can be seen braked, by the increase in the viscosity of the interstitial fluid, causing this to decrease the displacement of the fascias, producing a lack of functionality in the organism.
This is a maneuver that is performed by applying the index and annular fingers on the paravertebral area, from L5 to C7, the inclination of the wrist is not greater than 45º, it has as objective to confirm the test previously described. This is still a subdermal drag, which will show us the tissue tension and the lack of displacement and thickening.

Author Jaime Valenzuela C.
Osteopath & Chiromassage.

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